Room For Thought

The Thinking Man sculpture at Musée Rodin in Paris




Jack sat on his desk in the corner, staring blankly at the computer screen, for what seemed like an eternity. People moved in and out of the room, chattering noisily drawing no response from him whatsoever.Work was not hard and Jack never seemed too busy. His mind, however was a  beehive of thoughts. Constantly thinking about things that affected him and others who were connected to him, Jack actually was in search of a voice. A voice to silence people’s insecurities, doubts, misunderstandings. He had been at his job for over 3 years now, and he still didn’t  feel at home.


Every year for the past two years Jack had applied at various universities abroad. He still remembered how  he got through  in one but, as luck would have it, he lacked the funding. Borrowing from his parents was not an option, though they were more than willing. The next year he got through the entrance for another local university, but some how something held him back. One torrid relation at work and another short-lived  crush later, Jack felt lost, like being flung out into the deep sea.

Things he wanted to do were not possible at his workplace. This room was too small  to realize his dreams. His love for photography, art, history seemed locked up.

So Jack lived a double life. A dead bland existence on one hand and a lively free life which he explored through his photography, art and travel. The moment he left the room his thoughts turned to actions.


Jack had been living thus, and was wanting to find a way out. A way to live his dreams outside the four walls of this mundane room. A way beyond the blank computer screen that he continued to stare at…….

Jack needed more room for his thoughts……

Do you have a solution for Jack?


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